Lapis Hamsa Silver Pendants Necklace N762

$2,600.00 AUD

As part of my Fanfare for the Uncommon Woman exhibition series I made this to honour Hedy Lamarr. Hedy was a ravishingly gorgeous Hollywood movie star better known for her role in some below average movies than her contribution to science. Her face inspired the look of Snow White.  All she wanted was to play in the back shed with her maths and science but Hollywood had other ideas.  She had a very sad, misunderstood life, including several marriages and bad cosmetic procedures. She invented signal jamming which prevented Nazi missiles hitting their targets, but she was never acknowledged nor paid for the patent.  Her discoveries and inventions led to modern day WiFi and GPS.

This is made of lapis lazuli from Afghanistan, which is Hedy’s birthstone. I’ve added some ancient Himalayan rock crystal as crystal is essential for the oscillation in circuits.  Silver is also essential in WiFi and GPS and these protective hamsas are all solid silver  The hamsa with the Jewish symbol is because she renounced her religion when Hitler was coming into power.   Last, and importantly, there’s a little lapis bird.  Bird on a wire signifies freedom, balance, the equilibrium of life – the desire for freedom and the constraints of circumstaces. It’s the idea of finding a balance between staying grounded and taking flight in search of one’s aspirations.  I think it’s a perfect metaphor for Hedy’s life.

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Weight: 160 gms

Length:  45cms



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